Esther Van Deman, Georgina Masson e Jeannette Montgomery Barron: protagoniste della mostra 'A View of One’s Own: Tre fotografe a Roma', allestita all’American Academy in Rome, interpretano con altrettanti "sguardi" la Capitale, restituendo ai visitatori uno spaccato temporale che si estende dagli inizi del Novecento ai giorni nostri.
Jeannette Montgomery Barron, November 15th, 2013, Rome. Archival pigment print, 20 x 20 cm. Courtesy of the Artist
Jeannette Montgomery Barron, June 10th, 2014, Rome. Archival pigment print, 30 x 30 cm. Courtesy of the Artist
Jeannette Montgomery Barron, February 17th, 2014 Rome. Archival pigment print, 16 x 16 cm. Courtesy of the Artist
Jeannette Montgomery Barron, June 8th, 2013, Rome. Archival pigment print, 16 x 16 cm. Courtesy of the Artist
Georgina Masson, Piazza San Pietro, Rome, 1950–65. Print from negative film, 60 x 60 mm. Photographic Archive, American Academy in Rome
Georgina Masson, Via Michelangelo Caetani, Palazzo Caetani, Rome, 1950–65. Print from negative film, 60 x 60 mm. Photographic Archive, American Academy in Rome
Georgina Masson Ballroom, Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Rome, 1950 – 65 Print from negative film, 60 x 60 mm Photographic Archive, American Academy in Rome
Esther B. Van Deman, Atrium Vestae, statue of the Vestal Terentia Flavula, Rome, n.d. Albumen print, 100 x 126 mm. Photographic Archive, American Academy in Rome
Esther B. Van Deman, Viminal Hill, general view of excavations, Rome, 1913. Albumen print, 100 x 125 mm. Photographic Archive, American Academy in Rome
Esther B. Van Deman, View of Tiber Island from Ponte Palatino, Rome, n.d. Albumen print, 100 x 125 m, Photographic Archive, American Academy in Rome