Dopo il consenso ottenuto alla mostra della Secessione del 1904, il pittore svizzero torna ad emozionare il pubblico austriaco con una mostra allestita al Leopold Museum di Vienna. Fino al 22 gennaio 2018, "Ferdinand Hodler. Elective Affinities from Klimt to Schiele" riunisce un'ampia selezione dei suoi lavori, nei quali emerge l'interesse per la rappresentazione del paesaggio, delle figure femminili e per il genere dell'autoritratto.
Ferdinand Hodler, Portrait of Kathe von Bach (In the garden), 1904. Private collection (Switzerland). Foto SIK-ISEA, Zürich
Ferdinand Hodler, Portrait of Valentine Godé-Darel. Leopold Museum, Vienna. Foto Leopold Museum, Vienna /Manfred Thumberger
Ferdinand Hodler, Portrait of the sick Valentine Godé-Darel, 1914. Paris, Musée d’Orsay. Foto: RMN-Grand Palais (Paris, musée d’Orsay)/Jean Schorman
Ferdinand Hodler, Portrait of the deceased Valentine Godé-Darel, 26th January 1915. Rudolf Staechelin Collection. Foto: Sammlung Rudolf Staechelin | Rudolf Staechelin Collection/Martin P. Bühler
Ferdinand Hodler, Self Portrait (From Paris), 1891. Musée d’art et d’histoire, Geneva, deposit at the Gottfried Keller Foundation, Bern. Foto: Bettina Jacot-Descombes
Cuno Amiet, Portrait of Ferdinand Hodler in front of his Marignano painting. Kunstmuseum Solothurn, Dübi-Müller-Stiftung. Foto: Kunstmuseum Solothurn© M. u. D. Thalmann, CH-3360 Herzogenbuchse
Emil Orlik, Ferdinand Hodler designing the murals for Hanover Tower Hal. Private collection. Foto: Private collection.
Ferdinand Hodler, The reaper, circa 1910. Christoph Blocher Collection. Foto: SIK-ISEA, Zürich
Ferdinand Hodler, Sensation III, 1905. Property of the Canton of Bern. Foto: Property of the Canton of Bern/Wilhelm Balmer
Ferdinand Hodler, A view to infinity, 1913–1916. Private collection Switzerland. Foto: SIK-ISEA, Zürich
Ferdinand Hodler, Truth. Kunsthaus Zürich, permanent loan from the City of Zurich. Foto: Kunsthaus Zürich
Ferdinand Hodler, Lake Thun with simmetrical reflection. 1909. Musée d’art et d’histoire, Geneva.
Ferdinand Hodler, Jungefrau Massiv from Murren, 1911. Private collection Switzerland. Foto: Lucian Hunziker
Egon Schiele, Four Trees, 1917. Belvedere, Vienna. Foto: Belvedere, Vienna
Gustav Klimt, Garden landscape with hilltop, 1916. Kunsthaus Zug, Stiftung Sammlung Kamm. Foto: Kunsthaus Zug/Alfred Frommenwiler
Ferdinand Hodler, The Golden Meadow, c. 1890. Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Stiftung Oskar Reinhart. Foto: SIK-ISEA, Zürich | Zurich/Philipp Hit