Victor Vasarely conquista Francoforte con la sua arte “ipnotica”
16 Dicembre 2018
Nome di rilievo della Op Art europea, Victor Vasarely è protagonista della retrospettiva ospitata, fino al 13 gennaio prossimo, allo Städel Museum di Francoforte sul Meno. Ungherese d’origine e francese d’adozione, l'artista viene presentato da un percorso espositivo che affianca oltre 100 opere e ne analizza le diverse fasi della sua ricca produzione creativa. Parliamo infatti di un viaggio a cavallo di sei decenni, reso possibile grazie agli importanti prestiti concessi da musei e istituzioni del calibro del Centre Pompidou di Parigi, della Tate Modern di Londra, del Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum di New York e della Michele Vasarely Foundation.
Exhibition view “Victor Vasarely. In the Labyrinth of Modernism”. Photo: Städel Museum
Exhibition view “Victor Vasarely. In the Labyrinth of Modernism”. Photo: Städel Museum
Exhibition view “Victor Vasarely. In the Labyrinth of Modernism”. Photo: Städel Museum
Exhibition view “Victor Vasarely. In the Labyrinth of Modernism”. Photo: Städel Museum
Exhibition view “Victor Vasarely. In the Labyrinth of Modernism”. Photo: Städel Museum
Exhibition view “Victor Vasarely. In the Labyrinth of Modernism”. Photo: Städel Museum
Exhibition view “Victor Vasarely. In the Labyrinth of Modernism”. Photo: Städel Museum
Exhibition view “Victor Vasarely. In the Labyrinth of Modernism”. Photo: Städel Museum
Exhibition view “Victor Vasarely. In the Labyrinth of Modernism”. Photo: Städel Museum
Exhibition view “Victor Vasarely. In the Labyrinth of Modernism”. Photo: Städel Museum
Exhibition view “Victor Vasarely. In the Labyrinth of Modernism”. Photo: Städel Museum
Exhibition view “Victor Vasarely. In the Labyrinth of Modernism”. Photo: Städel Museum
Exhibition view “Victor Vasarely. In the Labyrinth of Modernism”. Photo: Städel Museum
Exhibition view “Victor Vasarely. In the Labyrinth of Modernism”. Photo: Städel Museum