In attesa dell'annuncio dei vincitori, previsto per il prossimo 16 maggio, il Victoria and Albert Museum di Londra ha annunciato i finalisti della competizione che celebra il meglio dell'illustrazione degli ultimi dodici mesi. Il fecondo rapporto tra editoria e mondo dell'illustrazione ha fornito, anche quest'anno, ampio materiale di selezione per i giurati, chiamati a esprimersi nelle quattro categorie in cui si articola il premio: Best Illustrated Book, Book Cover Design, Illustrated Journalism, Student Illustrator. Per ciascuna sezione è previsto un premio pari a 3000 sterline; un ulteriore riconoscimento, pari a 5000 sterline, sarà conferito al vincitore assoluto, il quale sarà insignito anche del titolo di Moira Gemmill Illustrator of the Year Prize, istituito in memoria di Moira Gemmill, ex Director of Design del V&A.
V&A Illustration Awards 2019: Student Illustrator of the Year (shortlisted): Yanyin Xu, UAL Camberwell College of Arts: One By One
V&A Illustration Awards 2019: Student Illustrator of the Year (shortlisted): Junli Song, Anglia Ruskin University: Dance
V&A Illustration Awards 2019: Student Illustrator of the Year (shortlisted): Sophie Burrows, Anglia Ruskin University: Crushing
V&A Illustration Awards 2019: Student Illustrator of the Year (shortlisted): Ying Wang, Camberwell College of Arts: Food Journey in Londong
V&A Illustration Awards 2019: Book Illustration (shortlisted): Chris Samnee for Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay (The Folio Society)
V&A Illustration Awards 2019: Book Illustration (shortlisted): Chris Samnee for Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay (The Folio Society)
V&A Illustration Awards 2019: Book Illustration (shortlisted): Nora Krug for Heimat (Particular Books)
V&A Illustration Awards 2019: Book Cover Design (shortlisted): Bill Bragg for Appointment in Samarra (Vintage Classics)
V&A Illustration Awards 2019: Book Cover Design (shortlisted): Jake Abrams for The Largesse of the Sea Maiden (Jonathan Cape)
V&A Illustration Awards 2019: Illustrated Journalism (shortlisted): A Richard Allen for Experts (The Sunday Telegraph)
V&A Illustration Awards 2019: Illustrated Journalism (shortlisted): Erin Aniker for Spot Reduction is a Myth (The Washington Post)
V&A Illustration Awards 2019: Book Illustration (shortlisted): Matthew Richardson for Speeches of Note (Hutchinson)
V&A Illustration Awards 2019: Illustrated Journalism (shortlisted): Matthew Hancock for Paper Tiger (The Marylebone Journal)