Frieze Sculpture 2019: venti artisti per la mostra open air londinese
7 Luglio 2019
C'è anche un'opera del Maestro della Pop Art Robert Indiana, scomparso nel maggio 2018 e noto il tutto il mondo per l’iconica scultura raffigurante la parola LOVE, tra le sculture che compongono il percorso espositivo dell'importante collettiva Frieze Sculpture. Interamente dedicata alla scultura, la mostra resterà aperta fino al 6 ottobre negli spazi verdi di Regent’s Park, a Londra. Selezionati da Clare Lilley – direttore del Programme at Yorkshire Sculpture Park – i venti artisti protagonisti quest'anno delineano, con i loro lavori, una panoramica dell’arte plastica internazionale, rappresentando Paesi, stili e tecniche eterogenei.
Robert Indiana, ONE through ZERO, 1980-2002, Waddington Custot, Frieze Sculpture 2019. Photo by Stephen White. Courtesy of Stephen White/Frieze.
Jodie Carey, Cord, 2019, Edel Assanti, Frieze Sculpture 2019. Photo by Stephen White. Courtesy of Stephen White/Frieze.
Ghazaleh Avarzamani, Strange Temporalities, 2019, Ab-Anbar, Frieze Sculpture 2019. Photo by Stephen White. Courtesy of Stephen White/Frieze.
Bettina Pousttchi, Alexander, 2015, Buchmann Galerie, Frieze Sculpture 2019. Photo by Stephen White. Courtesy of Stephen White/Frieze.
Ivan Argote, Bridges (We are melting), 2019, Galerie Perrotin, Frieze Sculpture 2019. Photo by Stephen White. Courtesy of Stephen White/Frieze.
Tracey Emin, When I Sleep, 2018, White Cube, Frieze Sculpture 2019. Photo by Stephen White. Courtesy of Stephen White/Frieze.
Lars Fisk, Tudor Ball, 2019, Marlborough, Frieze Sculpture 2019. Photo by Stephen White. Courtesy of Stephen White/Frieze.
Vik Muniz, Mnemonic Vehicle No. 2, 2015, Ben Brown Fine Arts, Frieze Sculpture 2019. Photo by Stephen White. Courtesy of Stephen White/Frieze.
Ma Desheng, Untitled, 2011, Rossi & Rossi, Frieze Sculpture 2019. Photo by Stephen White. Courtesy of Stephen White/Frieze.
Zak Ove, Autonomous Morris, 2018, Lawrie Shabibi, Frieze Sculpture 2019. Photo by Stephen White. Courtesy of Stephen White/Frieze.
Joanna Rajkowska, The Hatchling, 2019, l’etrangere, Frieze Sculpture 2019. Photo by Stephen White. Courtesy of Stephen White/Frieze.
Peter Buggenhout, On Hold #9, 2019, Axel Vervoordt Gallery, Frieze Sclupture 2019. Photo by Stephen White. Courtesy of Stephen White/Frieze.
Tom Sachs, My Melody, 2008, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Frieze Sculpture 2019. Photo by Stephen White. Courtesy of Stephen White/Frieze.