La graffiante challenge artistica di Peter Brathwaite contro il razzismo
7 foto
Prendendo spunto dalla “challenge” del Getty Museum, il baritono Peter Brathwaite ha deciso di reinterpretare una serie di dipinti del passato, postando le foto sui social network. Il criterio di selezione? Scegliere soltanto opere con soggetti di colore.I recenti avvenimenti legati alla brutale uccisione del ragazzo afroamericano George Floyd hanno innescato, anche nel mondo dell'arte, alcune reazioni di indignazione. Non molte, a dire il vero, ma sicuramente ammirevoli e necessarie per stimolare una riflessione tra artisti e addetti...Continua a leggere
Henry Louis Stephens, Victory! (1863). A runaway slave becomes a Union soldier and is struck down fighting for Liberty. Reworked by Peter Brathwaite with roses, dish clothes and Union Flag fabric. Rediscovering #blackportraiture through #gettymuseumchallenge. #gettychallenge...
Henry P. Briggs, Ira Aldridge as Othello (c. 1830). One of the greatest Shakespearean actors of his age – but he was black. Unable to work in America, he moved to England in the 1820s. Rediscovering #blackportraiture through #gettymuseumchallenge...
Kehinde Wiley, President Barack Obama (2018). Wiley’s portrait includes flowers from Kenya, flowers from Hawaii and the state flower of Chicago. Reworked by Peter Brathwaite with body exfoliate puff sponges. Rediscovering #blackportraiture through #gettymuseumchallenge. #gettychallenge...
William Henry Hunt, Originally exhibited as “Jim Crow”, but re-titled “Master James Crow – out of his element” (1840). Reworked by Peter Brathwaite with microwave oven and gradpap’s cou cou stick. Rediscovering #blackportraiture through #gettymuseumchallenge. #gettychallenge...
Jaspar Beckx, Portrait of Don Miguel de Castro, emissary of Congo (1643). Dressed in accordance with Portuguese fashion. Reworked by Peter Brathwaite with West African fabric, cream crackers, and serving spoon. Rediscovering #blackportraiture through #gettymuseumchallenge. #gettychallenge. This painting of Don Miguel de Castro was commissioned along with portraits of his servants, Pedro Sunda and Diego Bemba...
John Dempsey, “Cotton” of Norwich (c. 1823). From Dempsey extensive folio of British street people. Reworked by Peter Brathwaite with recycling bin and West African print in his basket. “Cotton” sold thread, ribbons and cotton in the streets of Norwich during the 1820s. Rediscovering #blackportraiture through #gettymuseumchallenge. #gettychallenge...
Albert Schindler, Portrait of a gardener and horn player in the household of the emperor Francis I (1836). Reworked by Peter Brathwaite with a picture of a planter ancestor (Miles Brathwaite), pipes and Caribbean tea. Rediscovering #blackportraiture through #gettymuseumchallenge. #gettychallenge...