Giocare con le opere d'arte: la nuova iniziativa digitale del Metropolitan di New York
14 gennaio 2021
11 foto

Giocare con le opere d'arte: la nuova iniziativa digitale del Metropolitan di New York
14 gennaio 2021
11 foto
Il Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York si apre al mondo del “gaming” con “The Met Unframed”, la nuova piattaforma virtuale che consente di ammirare e interagire con circa cinquanta capolavori del museo.
Quello fra la sfera del gioco interattivo e le grandi istituzioni artistiche mondiali è un rapporto affatto conflittuale...
Virtual installation view of “The Met Unframed” 2021. Home Gallery. Image courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Verizon
Virtual installation view of “The Met Unframed", 2021. Home Gallery. Image courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Verizon
Virtual installation view of “The Met Unframed”, 2021. Journey Gallery. Image courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Verizon
Virtual installation view of “The Met Unframed”, 2021. Journey Gallery. Image courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Verizon
Virtual installation view of “The Met Unframed”, 2021. Journey Gallery. Image courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Verizon
Virtual installation view of “The Met Unframed”, 2021. Nature Gallery. Image courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Verizon
Virtual installation view of “The Met Unframed”, 2021. Nature Gallery. Image courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Verizon
Virtual installation view of “The Met Unframed”, 2021. Nature Gallery. Image courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Verizon
Virtual installation view of “The Met Unframed”, 2021. Power Gallery. Image courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Verizon
Virtual installation view of “The Met Unframed”, 2021. Power Gallery. Image courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Verizon
Virtual installation view of “The Met Unframed”, 2021.Power Gallery. Image courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Verizon
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