La magia dell’aurora boreale in una serie di scatti mozzafiato
16 foto
Sono stati annunciati i vincitori dell’edizione 2024 del concorso fotografico "Northern Lights Photographer of the Year", l’iniziativa che premia i migliori scatti realizzati ai cieli notturni illuminati dall’aurora boreale (e australe) nel corso dell’anno. Selezionate dall’apprezzato blog di viaggi e fotografia Capture the Atlas, le 25 foto vincitrici di questa settima edizione dell’ambito premio sono state scattate da fotografi provenienti da quindici diversi Paesi in giro per il mondo, e testimoniano la sfolgorante varietà di forme...Continua a leggere
Matt Haynie, Coronal Mass Eruption. Northern Lights Photographer of the Year 2024...
Tom Rae, Sky Fire. Northern Lights Photographer of the Year 2024...
Giulio Cobianchi, High trails. Northern Lights Photographer of the Year 2024...
Edén Sánchez, Auroras en el Infierno. Northern Lights Photographer of the Year 2024...
Baillie Farley, Lake Toolondo Aurora. Northern Lights Photographer of the Year 2024...
Adrian Cormier, Carpe Diem. Northern Lights Photographer of the Year 2024...
Uroš Fink, Cosmic Explosion. Northern Lights Photographer of the Year 2024...
Sergey Korolev, In the rays of the Solar Wind. Northern Lights Photographer of the Year 2024...
Julien Looten, Northern Lights at Étretat. Northern Lights Photographer of the Year 2024...
Henry Frakes, Sky and Ice. Northern Lights Photographer of the Year 2024...
Jānis Paļulis, When Aurora Meets Milky Way. Northern Lights Photographer of the Year 2024...
Efrén Yanes, 28° Aurora. Northern Lights Photographer of the Year 2024...
Herry Himanshu, Paddling under the Aurora. Northern Lights Photographer of the Year 2024...
Josh Beames, Magic of the North. Northern Lights Photographer of the Year 2024...
Lynsey Schroeder, Looking North. Northern Lights Photographer of the Year 2024...
Egor Goryachev, African Savanna under the Lights of Southern Aurora. Northern Lights Photographer of the Year 2024...